Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hello Again!

Well, that was a rather large and unexpected break from blogging!

These last three months have been a whirl-wind as I get more accustomed to life with two children! Our little guy arrived on June 19th, and he is the sweetest! I'll post about him in full very soon, but here he is!

Cute, right?! He's such a sweet, sweet boy and I can't wait to share more about him.

A lot has changed since I last logged on, so I have a lot to update. One big thing I'd like to announce is that I'll be rebranding this blog (changing the name, design, etc.), to something more fitting. As I grow and learn more about myself (more on that later), I think it's time for some changes around here; something a bit more fresh.

This blog will become my outlet; a place for me to be me. I am more excited than ever as I share and continue on this journey, and I hope you are willing to follow along.

Stay tuned!

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